How to use video content in web design

May 8, 2023

How to Effectively Use Video Content in Web Design

Video dominates today’s marketing, able to convey messages and emotions at unparalleled levels. Video also deeply engages website audiences when woven strategically into web design. However, adding video purely for the sake of having “cool” visual content erodes your site’s overall user experience and performance.

Here are best practices for harnessing video content effectively across your website:

Choose Contextually Relevant Videos

Avoid sticking videos randomly across every page just because videos typically get high view rates. Instead pick subject-appropriate videos matching the topic focus of individual site sections to provide value for visitors.

For example, embedding testimonial videos on service overview pages builds credibility through social proof. Demonstration videos illustrating product application enhance shopping page content.

Support Accessibility Standards

While dynamic visually, videos pose barriers for site visitors with auditory or visual disabilities without proper accessibility accommodations added. Provide complete transcriptions and descriptions for context to support screen reader users. Enable ability to stop auto-playing videos as needed.

Optimizing for Page Load Speeds

Large, high-definition media files strain server loads and eat visitor data allowances. Compress files without compromising too much quality, use short sub-15 second videos highlighting key messages only and enable lazy loading so clips only initialize upon intent to view.

Strategically Place Calls-to-Action

Featuring conversion-driving calls-to-action (CTAs) before, after or even integrated discretely within relevant videos boosts opportunity to guide engaged viewers toward desired actions while video messaging remains top-of-mind.

Get Strategic Video Web Design Right

Elevate your website and marketing to the next level by leveraging the incredible power of video content integrated where, when and how it provides maximum value for your brand and audience. Let's craft an engaging, strategic video experience together!

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